Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fiji Loses in Adelaide

What went wrong in adelaide?? Overall it was a lacklustre performance by our Fiji Sevens team..the players lost too many ball possessions, the kick retention was pathetic..In the first game against Wales, the fiji players seemed tired, they were not hungry for ball possession when compared to their counterparts..i dont understand why nasoni roko is still in the team perhaps because of his experience? he is a two way traffic, he gets the ball, runs left, stops, runs to the right, slips and falls, gets up again and runs..everytime he does that i feel like going inside my television sets and tell him softly to his ears "brother i beg u, please pass the ball"...umm have a look at him next time!! In the quarters Australia punished Fiji for going to much into ruck..Fiji just throwing the ball from this corner to that hoping for a miracle that gaps will open and when they go into ruck itz turned over and therefore game over..in the plate semis, NZ was all over Fiji but i must take my hats off to Setafano Cakau for a solid performance against the kiwis..The forwards need to improve and if they dont then i dont see any reason why coach Tanivula should keep them..there are lots of talented players in Fiji, the selectors just need to sharpen up their eyes..

ok can Fiji win in HK this weekend?? Im putting my money on the boys to do better this time..last weekends showdown should be an eye opener as to where they stand..this is the mother of all sevens tournament in the world, The Hong Kong 7's...The wizard of the game, Waisale Serevi once said, "If we win in Hong Kong, people back in Fiji have a good year"..so boys do it for the people of Fiji, for your families and ofcourse for yourselves...if the boys can do it in Wellington than they can surely do it in HK..so lets sit around a big tanoa and cheer the boys on but drinking on when Fiji loses is a pain in the butt...GO FIJI GO...